“With the central image of the statue of St. Teresa in Rome, together with glimpses
of colour-saturated flower gardens, the Crucifixcion and Baroque plasterwork,
we listen to the gulping and frenetically clipped voice of the ‘saint’ pouring out
her rapturous lament in “Now I am yours” in which Nina Danino leads us through an
unnervingly authentic ‘extreme state of religious and sexual ecstasy”.
Cordelia Swan, Dreams, Visions and Rapture, Art and Experiment, 37th
International Film Festival, festival catalogue, 1993
“After sketching out some ideas, Nina and I went to the studio and I spent several days ‘performing’ to the film. I processed my voice through my Eventide Harmonizer and two digital delays as I sang and made various mixes of the multi track recordings. The black and white images of a nun running down a corridor in slow motion screaming, her habit trailing behind her as she falls to the ground, and the sound of Nina’s voice, like gunfire as she reads out her own text and from the writings of Saint Teresa of Avila are indelibly printed on my mind”
Film Credits
Directed, edited and spoken by Nina Danino
Voice performance and electronic compositions by Shelley Hirsch
‘Cris D’Aveugle’ and ‘Deliver Me’ by Diamanda Galás courtesy of Mute Records
Lighting Cameraman: Christopher Hughes
Sound Recording: David Hunt, Alan Lawrence
Image post-production: Chrysallis TV
Produced by Nina Danino
Executive producers David Curtis ACGB and Rod Stoneman C4
Financial assistance from the Arts Council of Great Britain and Channel Four
1993 Premiere: 37th London International Film Festival
Published in Rupture/Rapture/Jouissance – The Religious Trilogy 1990-1997 LUX (DVD) 2018
Selected Screenings and Conferences
Films de Nina Danino, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo (CAC), Malaga, Spain, 2012
L’Ospite e L’Instruso, Nina Danino and Giovanni Caravaggio, curated by Alessandro Castiglioni, Studio Ermanno Cristini, Varese, Italy, 2011
HOMAGE 68 – SUBVERSIVE FILM FESTIVAL, Film Programme and panel discussion by Slavoj Zizek, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Neil Leach, Frank Furedi, Brian Holmes, Karl-Heinz Dellw, Gabriella Rollnik, Zagreb, Croatia, 2008
Retrospective: The Subjective Camera, Greenwich Picturehouse, London, 2007
Bad Religion, Lux Cinema, London, 1998
Retina, IV International Film and Video Festival, Hungary, 1995
Kunst Kanaal TV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1995
Eat Carpet, SBS-TV, Australia, 1995
Scratch Projections, L’Entrepot Cinema, Paris, France, 1994
“Quelles Hystéries?”, group show including Bracha Ettinger, curated by Christian Gattinoni, Galerie du Cloître, Ecole Régionale des Beaux Arts, Rennes, France, 1994
Potato, IAS, London curated by Max Wigram 1994
Avant-garde aus London—Films of Nina Danino, Freunde der Deutche Kinematek, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin, Germany, 1994
Feminale, Frauen Film Festival, Koln, Germany, 1994
Psychoanalysis and the Image, International conference by Parveen Adams, including Kaya Silverman, Jean Matthee, Leo Bersani, Nina Danino, Andrea Fisher, Joan Copjec, Darian Leader, Slavoy Zizek, ICA, London 1994
IMPACKT Film Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1994
Women in the Director’s Chair International Film Festival, Chicago, USA, 1994
(S/T)extuality: Poetic Licence, Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1994
Dreams, Visions and Rapture, Art and Experiment, 37th London International Film Festival, National Film Theatre, London, 1993
Late Night Experiment, Channel Four, 1993
New British Work, London Filmmakers’ Co-Op, 1993
“Film, The Body, The Fold”, Interview with Susanna Poole, Experimental Film and Video Anthology, Jackie Hatfield ed., London: John Libbey Publishing. ISBN 0-86196-664-3, 2006
Frame by Frame, Interview with Alice Mascarenhas, Gibraltar Chronicle, 2006
“Now I am yours” and Temenos at the 291 Gallery, Gil Addison, Filmwaves no 16, 2001
“Speaking in the Dark – Film the Voice and Teresa of Jesus’ “speaking texts”, Pp 66-77, Visionary Landscapes – The Films of Nina Danino, ed Catherine Grant, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2005 ISBN 1 904772 07 2
“The Intense Subject”, Nina Danino, The Undercut Reader – Critical Writings on Artists’ Film and Video, Nina Danino and Michael Maziere eds., Wallflower Press, 2002
“The Image in the Visionary Experience of Teresa of Jesus”, Space, Time and the Image, Birkbeck College,Faculty of Continuing Education, University of London, Convenor; Carolyn Gill,2000

Avant-garde aus London—Films of Nina Danino, Freunde der Deutche Kinematek, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin, Germany, 1994

Avant-garde aus London—Films of Nina Danino, Freunde der Deutche Kinematek, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin, Germany, 1994